Dan: Jason Clarke
Joseph Bradley: Kyle Chandler
Jessica: Jennifer Ehle
George: Mark Strong
Larry from Ground Branch: Edgar Ramírez
Steve: Mark Duplass
Patrick – Squadron Team
Leader: Joel Edgerton
Justin – DEVGRU: Chris Pratt
C.I.A. Director: James Gandolfini
Columbia Pictures presents a
film directed by Kathryn Bigelow. Written by Mark Boal. Running time: 157 min.
Rated R (for strong violence including brutal disturbing images, and for
The movie opens in darkness.
Only a title card that states “September 11, 2001” appears on screen and is
gone again. We hear air traffic control chatter from that fateful day. Then we
hear a 911 dispatch call from a victim inside the World Trade Center. Then more
and more audio layers of actual emergency communication from that day are piped
in from different speakers throughout the auditorium. It bounces around the
theater. This is the film’s rising incident—the motivation for everything else
to come. There is a price for killing over 3000 innocent people.
The action of the movie
opens two years later in Pakistan. A man and hooded guards walk into a barren
warehouse where a prisoner, who has obviously been beaten, awaits. The wily
looking man, sporting a beard and unruly hair, wants contact information on top-level
Al Qaeda operatives from the prisoner. He makes it clear that it won’t be easy
if the prisoner isn’t truthful. He will be broken. The man and his guards leave
again. One of the guards removes their hood to reveal that she is a red-haired woman
in a suit. This is the region’s newly arrived CIA team member. She will be
known only as Maya.
Kathryn Bigelow’s Oscar
nominated new movie “Zero Dark Thirty” isn’t some confession about the
practices of the CIA. It isn’t a character study of what it takes to get the
job done. It isn’t some sort of exposé about the effectiveness of torture. It
isn’t even a guide on how we go about catching terrorists. It is a procedural
on one specific case that took the CIA almost ten years to crack. This is how
we found and assassinated the biggest threat against the United States and
other countries in recent decades, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network
Osama Bin Laden.
Bigelow is no stranger to
war and violence. She became the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Direction
for her work on the movie “The Hurt Locker” about a bomb disposal expert in the
Iraq War. “Zero Dark Thirty” is a very different war film than that one. “The
Hurt Locker” was an intimate portrait of what it takes to perform one of the
most dangerous jobs in modern warfare. “Zero Dark Thirty” tells the story of a
different war all together. This war doesn’t concern itself with soldiers or
personal motivation. The front lines aren’t inhabited by men and women of
different backgrounds who’ve all put on a uniform to do their duty for their
country. This war is lead by intelligent CIA operatives who have a specialized
skill set to solve puzzles and get answers. The cost of the information that
they gather doesn’t enter their minds, only their need for the information.
Maya isn’t portrayed as a
typical heroine. The filmmakers don’t give us those typical scenes of the
newbie settling in. You can see from Jessica Chastain’s nuanced performance
that she is initially disturbed by the torture practices she witnesses, but she
also has fierce determination to do her job. There aren’t any of the expected
clashes of personality, although it is apparent that her team harbors vastly
different personalities and methods for achieving their goals. Jennifer Ehle
(“Contagion”) plays the only other female agent on the team with the same tough
as nails approach until one of her leads comes in, then she has trouble
containing her excitement.
The film has been widely
criticized for two things. The first is a lack of character development. This
is an intentional omission that is well explained by Mark Boal’s subtly
brilliant screenplay. He gives us no background on Maya beyond the fact that
this is her first field assignment, she did not request the post, and the CIA
recruited her right out of high school. The subject of her personal life is
brought up in a conversation with Ehle’s character. Maya has no answers for
her. In a late story conversation with the CIA Director, who is given no name,
he asks Maya why she was recruited right out of high school. She says that even
if she knew that, she couldn’t divulge that information to him or anybody.
That’s the point. It’s all classified. One of the reasons it’s classified is
that once they work for the CIA doing what they do, nothing else matters but
what they do. They aren’t characters. They aren’t people. They are tools for
the CIA to use in a war for their country. Everything else is junk that isn’t
necessary to the story or their mission.
The second issue has brought
a good deal of controversy about the film. The movie depicts torture as a
viable form of obtaining useful intelligence. The kinder gentler American image
espoused by the Obama administration has promoted the idea that torture will
only lead prisoners to divulge anything, the truth or not. The fact is torture
was used to obtain a great deal of intelligence before the current
administration cracked down on it. It’s never as simple as we waterboard you
and you give up everything we want. This movie understands that. What these
agents are hired to do is to get information and sift through it to find the
truth of what they are seeking.
Bigelow’s hard-edged
directing and the editing team show this as a step by often frustrating step
process. Her camera doesn’t judge the right or wrong of it. She only shows what
steps are taken. After the Obama administration changes CIA policy on obtaining
its intelligence, these agents find other ways to track their targets and do
their jobs. Bigelow’s direction is efficient in portraying their process and
doesn’t stop to condone or criticize it.
After spending the last
half-hour of the film giving us the familiar elements of the siege on OBL’s
Pakistani mansion, Bigelow finally provides the only emotional outburst of the
film. Chastain, who was previously nominated for an Oscar for a much different
character in last year’s “The Help”, finally allows her emotions to slip once
her mission is done. It lets the audience off the hook as we’ve spent much of
the film wondering how someone can devote ten years of their life to hunting
down a person and killing him without ever getting personal. I believe it is
because that is what the job requires. Until those last moments every outburst
of anger she displays throughout the story only served the job. This is the
only moment that is hers.
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