Monday, February 08, 2016

Twitter Thoughts—January Edition 2016

Featuring the films and television shows:

Selma, Thor: The Dark World, Jessica Jones, The Hateful Eight, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Beasts of No Nation, Brooklyn, Love & Mercy, The Revenant, The Big Short, Astor Barber All-Stars, Kazaam, Bone Tomahawk, Galaxy Quest, Mad Max: Fury Road, Streets of Fire, Cutthroat Island, Clouds of Sils Maria, Lost River, and Anomalisa.

I fear I’ve already failed with this new feature as I forgot to tweet many of the films I watched in January and I intended to do this as a weekly post for those who don’t follow me on Twitter. But better late than never, I suppose. I should have a new set for my first week in February ready soon. Like my old Penny Thoughts feature, these aren’t necessarily reviews as much as quick impressions in 140 characters or less. I’ve retained all hashtags, which sometimes refer to podcasts and other people and things related to each film. I’m also participating in Doug Benson’s 366 movies in 366 days challenge, which he does for one of his podcasts. You’ll notice the numbering system show up in the latter half of the month, so you will also be able to follow my progress in this challenge. I’ve definitely watched a film a day in a year before. I’ve reviewed a film a day before, but I’ve never really tracked it like this during a leap year. Again, it’s important to remember for the challenge that I forgot to post a bunch of the films I watched in the middle of the month.


‪#selmamovie is unique in the way it details how the civil rights movement leaders methodically worked to achieve their goals. Powerful.

‪#ThorTheDarkWorld very enjoyable the second time around. Nice use of humor throughout.


‪#JessicaJones is one of the best television shows of 2015. A badass feminist agenda that further enriches the mysterious MCU.

Closed room mystery and rich dialogue abound in QT's latest opus ‪#TheHatefulEight. Sure wish I could've seen the roadshow.

‪#captainamericthewintersoldier holds up well as a 70s style espionage flick on super soldier serum. Can't wait for ‪#CaptainAmericaCivilWar


If you're looking to feel like you don't have any real problems, check out the excellent Netflix original movie ‪#BeastsOfNoNation .


It seems General Hux has aims to prevent a ‪#BrooklynMovie awakening as well.


What an amazing story told of Brian Wilson's life in the visionary film ‪#LoveandMercy about the troubled Beach Boys frontman.


Is there an end-of-2015 release that Domhnall Gleeson isn't in? ‪#theRevenantMovie


Well, that didn't make me feel good about the future if this country at all. ‪#TheBigShort



‪@paulscheer please don't make me pay $3 for any more Shaq movies ‪#hdtgm ‪#kazaam ‪#steelmovie


2015 was an amazing year for the western. ‪#BoneTomahawk adds to the excellence.

"Let's get out of here before they kill Guy." ‪#GalaxyQuest. And in honor of Alan Rickman... "Next!"


Watched ‪#MadMaxFuryRoad3D again, and I'm still convinced it's the best movie of 2015.


Saw it many times as a kid thanks to ‪#HBO. Now ‪#StreetsofFire seems like a mighty effort for little effect. ‪#HDTGM ‪#DLMChallenge No. 27


With respect to the late great Gene Siskel, ‪#CutthroatIsland was not the wonderful swashbuckling adventure he promised. ‪#DLMchallange No. 28


Anyone who thinks Kristen Stewart isn't a good actress needs to see ‪#cloudsofsilsmaria. César deserved. Oscar snubbed. ‪#DLMChallenge No. 29


‪#LostRiver is an oddly energy-sapped Lynchian nightmare written & directed by Ryan Gosling. Beautiful but a little dull ‪#DLMchallenge No. 30

‪#Anomalisa is a complete examination of the human condition made from a very specific point of view. ‪#DLMchallenge No. 31

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