Featuring the films:
All the Right Moves (1983)
Andrei Rublev (1966) ****
Ghostbusters (1984) ****
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
(1974) ***½
The Shallows (2016) **½
Heaven’s Gate (1980) ***½
Ricki and the Flash (2015)
The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Mannequin: On the Move
(1991) ½*

“Andrei Rublev” is one of
the more unique biopics I’ve ever seen. At times it veers of into seemingly
surreal settings and fantasy, yet it never loses track of its subject. It’s
filled with those unique images that Werner Herzog says are lacking in modern
cinema. Although it isn’t modern, it isn’t as old as it looks and feels in its
execution. It’s a strange but wonderful treatment for an important Russian
historical figure.
The first weekend of the
month brought us the death of important American filmmaker Michael Cimino.
Winning Oscars for his expose on the post-traumatic stress of Vietnam veterans
in “The Deer Hunter”, many felt that Cimino never lived up the greatness of his
first and second films again. The debacle of his third film “Heaven’s Gate”
marred the rest of his career, which is a shame since, although he did run
vastly over schedule and budget, it was the studio’s bungling of its release
that left such a black mark on it as a terrible movie and one of Hollywood’s
biggest flops. I watched his first and third movies, “Thunderbolt and
Lightfoot” and the aforementioned “Heaven’s Gate”, both underrated near masterpieces.
In theaters, I saw “The
Shallows”, a bold horror movie inspired heavily by “Jaws”, involving a female
surfer who is stranded in the shallows of secluded lagoon after a shark attack.
On the terms I just laid out, the movie delivers a satisfying story of
survival. The filmmaking and writing are riddled with holes, however, that if closed
could’ve tightened the movie up and delivered a truly frightening experience.
“Ricki and the Flash” provided another low end studio flick that could’ve been
better than it was had the screenplay been scrutinized just a little more
before filming. But neither of those were groan inducing, like the latest How
Did This Get Made movie, the inexplicable sequel “Mannequin 2: On the Move”.
The HDTGM team claims to have very much enjoyed this film, which is probably
why their podcast is so much more enjoyable to listen to than the very similar
“We Hate Movies” podcast. They truly love these terrible movies, but that
certainly doesn’t make them any less terrible. This one is one of the worst
I’ve seen through them.
I also watched three movies
in preparation for two franchises with big releases this summer. The original
“Ghostbusters” is such a well-made film, I can understand some of the backlash
against the new all-female reboot, but just barely. C’mon people. Why must we
find things to hate in this world, even before we’ve seen them? There should be
enough love to go around for a cherished franchise to shake thing up a little
with a gender swap. Jason Bourne returns at the end of the month in the 5th
film of the Bourne series. We watched the first two in our house, and will
watch the next two before the end of the month. We have a French exchange
student staying with us for the summer and it was interesting to get his
perspective on how Hollywood sees Europe in a big budget action flick.
Apparently, not everything is accurately portrayed. Hmph! Imagine that.
Here are the tweets.
Tom Cruise v Craig T. Nelson
in All the Right Moves, the ultimate 80s "you're holding me down" HS
flick. #DLMChallenge
No. 155
Tarkovsky's biopic Andrei
Rublev is a strange and trippy historical drama about the iconic 15th century
artist. #DLMChallenge
No. 156
You can't beat the original
Ghostbusters for a genuine 80s film experience at it's best. #DLMChallenge No.
I'm not sure what Cimino is
saying about male relationships in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, but it's a damn
good movie. #DLMChallenge
No. 158
@ShallowsMovie may not have everything
Jaws had, but it’ll still make you want to stay out of the water. #DLMChallenge
No. 159
Second Camino tribute for me
this weekend. The director approved cut of Heaven's Gate (1980). #DLMChallenge No.
Streep continues her run as
the hardest working actor in Hollywood in #RickiandtheFlash.
No. 161
Frenchman's impression of
the 1st Paris scene in #TheBorneIdentity
"Where are the people? You can't park there." #DLMChallenge No.
The aptly titled #TheBourneSupremecy
is harder to poke holes in than it's predecessor. #DLMChallenge No.
Damn you @HDTGM for getting me
to waste precious life minutes on movies like Mannequin: On the Move (1991). #DLMChallenge No.
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