Saturday, July 02, 2016

Twitter Thoughts—April 2016 Week 4

Featuring the films:
Purple Rain (1984) **½
Alambrista! (1977) ****
Keanu (2016) ***
Dead Poet’s Society (1989) ***
Ant-Man (2015) ***
Solarbabies (1986) *

We’re just going to have to whip through most of this stuff so I can catch up to where I’m at today with movies and TV. This was the week after Prince died, so I kicked it off with “Purple Rain”, which I had never seen. Probably because I doubted it was very good. Despite the fact that we lost a great artist, I’m pretty sure I’m right in thinking that cinema wasn’t his best medium. This screening confirmed that belief. I then watched the wonderful 70’s film about Mexican illegals, “Alambastra!”, which should probably be seen by everyone who believes that immigrants are just living off of our sweat. I also saw Key & Peele’s first feature film “Keanu”, about their search for their lost gangsta cat. The movie capitalizes off their ability to convolute black stereotypes, but could use a little deeper foundation work. It was enjoyable enough though. I revisited “Dead Poet’s Society” and “Ant-Man” for the first time since my initial viewings. That was a much longer period of time for Poet’s. I still found the same problems I had 25 years ago with that one, but I liked “Ant-Man” even more the second time. Finally, the mind-boggling “Solarbabies” was my HDTGM movie for the week, truly begging the question, “How Did This Get Made?”

Here are the tweets.

So the coolest guy on the planet in 1984 was living in his parent's basement? ‪#PurpleRain ‪#trendsetter ‪#DLMChallenge No. 107

A fascinating tour of the illegal immigrant life in the ‪@Criterion film ‪#Alambrista ‪#DLMChallenge No. 108

‪#KEANU‪ is funny, but it wasn't the perfection of comic brilliance I wanted it to be. #DLMChallenge No. 109‬

The Robin Williams character in ‪#DeadPoetsSociety is perfectly realized, but the rest feels too standard to be great. ‪#DLMChallenge No. 110

People praised ‪@deadpoolmovie for it's humor, but ‪@AntMan did pretty well on the humor front first. ‪#DLMChallenge No. 111

Is there a reason that rollerskates are so prominent in the dystopian futures of sci fi cinema? ‪#Solarbabies  ‪@HDTGM ‪#DLMChallenge No. 112

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